W49: My First Potluck. Ever


Life in the office has always been pretty much the same, doing the same routine. I'm pretty bored. Perlu satu kelainan dan kegembiraan lepas sekian lama senduuuu aje. So aku sebagai AJK Keceriaan ofis tetiba dapat satu mentol ajaib atas kepala ni: jom buat potluck yeayy!! O.M.G. You deserve a medal Yam *sambil tepuk bahu sendiri*  Because the potluck was so successful everyone enjoyed themselves very much, including me.

*backflip* *breastroke on the floor*

Kalau orang ingat aku ni terer lah memasak, no please, aku paling benci. Sangat susah bagi aku. So bila kena masak untuk potluck, mestilah aku kena pungpang kat dapur kan takkan nak pegi beli oh please jangan jadi shameless sangat hahaha. Sudahnya aku tiru resipi mak aku, ayam bakar masala yang sangat sedap itew. First, simple so aku takyah bangun 3 pagi semata nak potong memotong teruk sangat. Potong sikit sikit, bakar je dalam oven yessss terima kasih oven sebab wujud I LOVE YOUUUU. Second, aku suka ayam lah, ape lagi hahha. Ayam izz deliziusss.

This is also the first potluck among the staff, I think. Sebab tak pernah dengar sape sape cerita ada potluck bagai selama 10 tahun company tu wujud. Jot this down History channel! Ahahha. So another reason I need to write it down here. First for me, and possibly the first for the company.

Anyhoo, we stayed longer than 1 hour just for lunch. Makan kenyang, semua sedap belaka tak tipu weii. Aku bawak nasik dan ayam masala, senior bawak mee tomato, F bawak sushi buat sendiri okeiiii. Tabah tak hahaha. I like this kind of moment where you enjoy having your colleagues' companion. So precious.

So! Next potluck nak masak ape eh?

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