Sheri's Wedding



Sheri is finally married gaissss! Ya Allah rasa lega semua berjalan lancar pagi dan tengahari ni. She's the second among our SKBG nyahs to get married, so I feel a bit sad. To let her go to another guy. Hahaha ko mengada ja kan Yam. But at the same time, I'm tremendously happy for this couple. They will be stuck together, but they have each other so..apedehal kan. Hahah ucapan engko ni Yam memang mintak penendang kan hahaha :P

Right after nikah

Before I go to my official ucapan, I'd like to tell you how my day went by. Hectic weh for a short period. Or was it me yang lembik sangat hahahah al maklumlah orang tua eksesais pun malas bahaaa :P

Niway! Hari ni macam biasa kena kerja. But my day felt like fast forwarded, rasa cepat gila. Padahal banyak gila kerja hahahh ah lantak today is my friend's big day so screw you work! Lepas terkocoh kocoh masuk kereta, aku terus ke kenduri si Sheri dan join Afiqa dan Mon makan semeja. Intan joined us few minutes later before she headed off to work. Ahh...kambing depa sedap gila ouhh ingat nak tambah tapi shegan pulak puhahaha. Ah..lafff *hearteyes* After makan makan, I thought of going for Zohor at Mon's place but it was gonna be time consuming so kitorang pegi solat kat ofis Mon, just 30 seconds drive. Jewww. 

My vision for this kenduri, is that we will enjoy ourselves, chatting away with old friends, relax and eat, then go back to chatting. But right after we came back from Zohor, we had to leave to Afiqa's house to iron le pengantin's tudung. Their iron did not work. So bye bye vision hahaha. Sokay this is one terrific experience I will never forget that is the fricking reason I jot it down here hahhaha: our pengantin suruh gosok tudung weiiiiit. Down to the memory lane you go. Nasib baik rumah Afiqa dekat gila, dan nasib baik Sheri is our bestfriend so ok lah kasi chan lah hahahha!

After running errand for pengantin, we had a group pic and bade farewell. Sedih jugak la time ni sebab I left her as a wife, no longer a single lady. Like she used to be whenever we went for a lepak. But I'm pretty sure she will continue to lepak with us macam biasa hahhaa. Kaki lepak ni semua ladies ladies niiii. Buehehe. Ah ye, lepas tu kitorang semua (kecuali pengantin) pegi E-Gate lepak kat Starbucks. Finally! Finally boleh duduk sembang properly. Actually sambungan dari kenduri lagi hahah I got no idea what we all talked about. Some random things kut. Entah hahhaa but hey, I like randomness btw. Some of them I've never met since primary school, so I can say Sheri's wedding is totally the best reunion I've ever had. Brought us closer together.

This bunch of hoomans went wild after I left my camera with them. DO NOT LEAVE CAMERA UNSUPERVISED BY YOURSELF YAM. Luullzzz

Some of my ancient friends. Dengan aku sekali ancient hahah!

I can't recall what is the name of the drink, but twas sooooo gooooddddd

I pinjam tiara pengantin satttt. Nak verangan ><

Anyhoo, Selamat Pengantin Baru to my dear pretty pretty wow Sheri and Alfiq (Alfiq takde dear yee haha). Moga uols hidup aman, bahagia dan diberkati, saling sayang menyayangi anyonyo anyonyooo, dan murah rezeki. Oh dan of course, bahagia sampai syurga haaaaaa. Ah. Alfiq, welcome to the nyahs club :)

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