Kinda Bad Morning


I felt so angry, so upset this morning. Salah sorang adik aku bawak kereta aku, aku dekat sebelah seat passenger. So kitorang nak keluar dari parking, tetiba aku dengar bunyi screech from my side. Means on the left side of my car, something had happened. My heart dropped to the floor guys. Dalam hati aku terfikir I know this gonna happen the minute I see that uncle across the street looking at us, like he knows this will happen to us too.

It's official. Today was the day my car had its second accident. But the first self-inflicted one.

Aku keluar kereta, tengok condition walaupun takut gila sebab please la jangan rosak teruk please I cannot susahkan mak bapak aku lagi to help with the repairing and all. The moment I saw the bumper almost falling off, my heart suddenly explodes with anger. Aku masuk kereta balik, marah adik aku, why buat macam ni? Why drive macam tu sekali? Along sendiri tak pernah rosakkan kereta along. Macam macam lagilah yang aku bebelkan for like 5 minutes. She had that sorry face till she dropped me off at my office. But couldn't help it, THIS just happened to my car!

I mean, it can be avoided kalau dia keluar parking ikut protocol yang betul macam time belajar kat sekolah memandu. To avoid that side benteng. That is why they include parking in the syllabus! THIS IS THE VERY REASON! Haihlah...

Lepas masuk ofis, pasang aircond, duduk kejap mengenangkan nasib dan mood pagi ni, I felt so sorry to my sister. Aku tahu dia tak sengaja, it's just a critically careless mistake which dia tak sengaja sungguh sungguh walaupun boleh avoid. Just that things happen so unexpectedly so cam terkejut gila. Tanjat aboyy. Bahaaa. Btw I know she did not mean any harm at all. Plus, altho she damaged my car (a bit), she had a valuable lesson which is to be more careful no matter what. Hopefully lah. You see? Sayangnya lah kat adik walaupun rosakkan kereta sendiri, walaupun memula tadi marah kemahen.

Well, they say what are sisters for kalau bukan untuk benda benda camni. Hahahahaa. Emm sakit palaaaa 😎

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