Selamat Pengantin Baru, Jan!

Assalamualaikum and hyee!

Hari ni hari yang penting untuk member lama aku. The oldest. We have been friends since tadika, can you believe it! Apa kata orang? Ancient? Mumia? Hahahahahaha. Dulu kan aku dengan Jan sekelas masa 6 tahun, I think. I remember she refused to go to tadika (or school?) and my dad had to pujuk her somehow. Even abah remember that scene. Bapak aku la ni asyik dok cerita kat aku haaa hahahha.

Yap back to the star of the day. You see, masa aku duduk kat belakang tunggu proses nikah tu, I was like..oooh this is the very first solemnization I have ever attended to. FIRST. Aku tak pernah tengok proses nikah depan mata, setakat dalam tv tu..entah takde feel. Hahaha. Tapi ni bila tengok sendiri, it makes me feel..okay this is just too beautiful. Aku sendiri pun berdebar tunggu dengar 'sah' tu apatah lagi pengantin perempuan. I wonder what she feels at that time, what her parents and siblings feel. Such a mystery.

Hahaha mengada mystery.

When I saw her, she was glowing. Glow pengantin kata orang. Cantik sangat. I mean dia tak pakai mekap apa pun glow (serius!), apatah lagi bila pakai mekap kan. Haila my friends semua yang kahwin ni cun cun belaka pakai rahsia apaaa niii. My heart cried and ached a little, tak sangka member aku dah pergi meninggalkan ku terkontang menghadapi single life. Mood swing untuk 5 minit sat. In the masjid wei. Ko bayangggg. Ahahah.

Jan, I hope only happiness will come to you and husband. Semoga sentiasa murah rezeki korang, terlindung dari benda yang merosakkan rumahtangga. Oh! And semoga husband husband kita semua pun sama geng retard macam kita. Welcome to the club, Amir. Buehehhe XD

My primary school sweethearts :)

Us.... and pengantin lelaki's nose. Hahahaha

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