Rude Customers Are Rude


Been in service industry for more than 2 years. Setahun jagung je tu sebenarnya. Tapi agak lama dah untuk aku faham sikit jenis manusia kat Malaysia ni. Ada yang baik, ada yang tak baik. Yang baik tu ok lah, senang hati je aku nak explain semua benda dan bantu ape yang perlu. Pastu mood pun baik seharian sebab kita dapat tolong orang yang appreciate kita.

Yang rude ni haa aku macam...macam tu la. Hahaha.

I saw one customer replied email rudely to my colleague one day. So rude that it angered me. My colleague, F, she had to work for night shift. Maybe she kinda missed out some info causing the customer had to repeat the same thing in the next email. He said it like this,

I know it's 1AM and you're sleepy, but seriously read the message beforeyou reply. I'm sleepy too.

I think he got some anger management issue coz I don't really see there's a need to say such unkind sentence to a person who has to work on abnormal working shift.

Customers, they think they are the king. They think they own us, the business they want to close deal with. But in actual, without us, they will not get a thing. So benda kena mutual lah patutnya. You berbudi dengan kita, kita of course berbudi berganda dengan you. Doooooooohhhhh tapi kalau dapat yang macam king perangainya, sorry la aku memang tak koser nak layan. Bantu gitu gitu je yang lain nasib engkau lah kan. Don't they understand? That we are humans too, bukan robot weh. Ada perasaan weh. Ko herdik macam tu, padahal first time ko cakap dengan aku. What my impression of you will be? Bad kut. And we workers tend to remember customers who left bad impressions so we know the next time we hear about you again and then shiver in fear.

Scarred for life gaissss.

Okayyyy I was joking on the shivering part.

Sebab tu, bila pegi shopping atau kedai yang ada pekerja, I try my best to be kind to these people. Tolak pelawaan try sample perfume dengan baik. Mintak jangan ikut aku tengok NYX lipstick kat Sephora dengan baik (walaupun tetap ikut cuma jarak jadi jauh sikit, setengah depa pffttttt). Cakap "Haii sorry, I'm a student" kepada promoter yang suruh subscribe kad kredit dengan baik (they believeddddddd yesss). Because I understand their feelings. Life sucks that day, but I gotta put on a smile to get food on my table..and pay my mobile data. Camtu la perasaan dia.

Aku pernah la kena maki dengan customers, customers kutuk aku belakang belakang pastu aku dapat tahu dari kawan pun ada, macam macam lagi lah. Kalau kena benda macam ni, memang down semangat kesukanan tu. Tau mostly memang aku yang buat mistakes, atau tak competent enough and so on so I didn't really take it personally sampai 100%. Just sikit sikit je bagi diri aku dapat pengajaran to be extra cautious. Tapi sebelum tu kutuk kutuk duluuu dengan colleagues hahahahha. Well. Talk to a human about it does make you feel better.

Just be kind to everyone tak kira pekerjaan. Senang cerita. Sebab kita taktau betapa susah dia kerja tu, or life di sebalik mekap/comot dia atau baju yang smart/kotor tu. We never know.

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