From Kapitan, with Love


I wouldn't mind going to Kapitan again and again and again. Because the briyani is just too sedap and irresistible. Or the like...uuuuuu meleleh ayaq lioqqqq. These 2 months (up to today), think I've came here for few times already hahaha. Tak kisah lah asal dapat kapitan and tadak pun susahkan orang pi suruh bayaq for my dinner/lunch. Gituh.

Tonight, we girls went out for a nice, warm dinner at Kapitan, our usual port. Entahhh lah kenapaaaaaa. 2 married ladies, and 3 just..ladies hahahah *criesss* I mean...memang tempat tu warm pun gahahah. Tapi warm sebab memang setiap kali meeting macam ni, I cam home with a heart full of love. I know I sound so silly whatever :P Efa mengidam nak makan claypot so ok jom kita penuhi permintaan ibu mengandung. Takut menangis bucu katil, jenuh Wan nak pujuk hahah. Semua orang datang lepas kerja, so rasa dewasa ngatttt. Tapi sempat la aku mandi oh please berlengas gila kalau tak mandi.

I had to say that it is amazing to witness my friends' life transitions so far. So honoured, yelah bukan semua orang dapat peluang tu. Ko jadi kawan je baru boleh tauu. Then I felt nomu nomu nomu thankful that they life a decent life, bahagia dengan cara masing-masing. Only that matters to me kalau pasal kawan ni: their happiness.

Another thing, to be honest, is that when I'm with these people, hilang segala stress dan masalah yang buat semak otak ni. Takdelah magical sangat sampai hilang terus, at least lupa sikit lah. Kitorang sembang apa laa tadi ada unsur 18SX pun hado hahahah ko tahu lah bersembang dengan married ladies ni memang macam tu. Mostly merepek la aku boleh kata. Hahaha omg malu meja sebelah belakang depan dok dengarrr je kitorang merepek! Oh well, doesn't matter, dah balik rumah punnn.

Kepada ibu mengandung, semoga selamat semuanya :)

P/S: Ko dah kenapa laaa bahasa camporrrr nii hahahha I knowwww. Think this is my style >.<

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