Moving Forward


Today had the opportunity to attend a wedding. Sebab ape aku kata opportunity? Sebab dapat jumpa kawan baik lama kita, dapat doakan dorang suami isteri, coz sincerely I just wish them to have all the happiness in the world.

Lama gila tak jumpa Zu, sejak dia masuk MRSM masa menengah tinggi. We were bestfriends back then, together with Mufy we were the awesome team for a year I think. Pegi mana mana pun selalu sama-sama. Life were so good at that time with these people, you tak payah pikiaq hal hal remeh hal cintan cintun hal bayar bil, just pikiaq camna nak skip kelas atau beat the girl who always get number 1 in class. Sebab ko menyampah asyik dia je dapat nombor 1. Tup tup memang aku yang dapat hahaahaha lepas tu takde dah nombor 1 dalam hidup ni. Gahahaa! #addmathspuncanya

Lepas dia masuk MRSM, terus hilang contact. Satunya sebab aku ada FB pun agak lewat so taktau nak contact dia melalui ape. Tiba-tiba je berjodoh kat FB, contact balik, dan tup tup jemput aku ke majlis tunang dia, dan sekarang ke majlis resepsi pulak. Life can get you to unexpected things, but that's what makes your life unique. I am soooo extremely happy, aku perati je pasangan pengantin ni sebab happy gila haha omg naik ke pentas pelamin tu, nak melompat aku sebab tak sangka kawan aku ni dah jadi isteri. Tahniah Zu dan suami! Hope urusan hang dipermudahkan, dapat transfer ke Penang..senang la kitorang nak serbu rumah hang untuk makan makan. Gehehehe XD

Mon and I. Since 1998 :)

Anyway, seeing my dear friends move on, bina hidup baru, I think it'd be wise if I start to think about it too. Atas sebab tertentu, keinginan tu ada just aku suppress dia haha biasalah orang ignorant memang centuu. Idok lah terkinja nak pegi cari lelaki khen..cuma nak mula fikir what to do next yang sesuai dengan umur aku ni. Aku pun dah tua, lagi suka duduk maybe I can start to pray for a man yang suka duduk rumah jugak takyah keluar dating hahahah. Joke, joke :P

But the 'think about it' tu, I'm dead serious and looking forward to it :)

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