
The girls having their pictcha moment.


Last night I had a blast. Walaupun ada dugaan sikit di tengah tengah tu gosh memang aku takleh lupa lah. Kitorang plan untuk meet up lepas kerja, coz..well, that's what people do after work. To lepaksss. When you have money. When you have free time. And when you have friends to hang out with and they are not married, just like you. Hahaha :P Nah bukanlah nak kata orang dah kahwin ni, tak seronok nak lepak dengan dia. Cuma aku rasa ada had sikit lah. You gotta go home on time, or might not be able to lepak at all sebab suami tak izin, atau jaga anak. Sheri's getting married but not now, so..yeah that's my pointtttt. Heeee. Anyway, I rushed to Mon's place after work, ended up getting stucked in traffic jam at Batu Uban. Panjang gila baq anggggg stuck kat flyover tu. Aku mula stress dah. Teguk air pun macam tak teguk haha. Yelah tak biasa nak jem jem teruk camtu so what I did was...I joget in the car like nobody's business. Ah..such a fun moment.

Kebetulan pulak, aku rasa tak berapa sedap perut seharian semalam. Pelik gila tau. Makan nasi banyak je dalam sakit sakit tu. Lepas tu rasa loya gila haha nooooo I'm not carrying any fetussssss. Maybe aku makan banyak sangat, sometimes that happens. Masa aku sampai rumah Mon, dah rasa lain macam. Bergelora gila tunggu masa je nak vomit. But I am the master of suppress, so I suppressed.

Dalam mabuk kepayang tu, sempat la kitorang singgah United Buddy Bears kat Esplanade tu. It's THE THING sekarang ni. Dulu pi dah dengan family, masa raya haji. Tapi aku tak turun sebab time tu pening jugak haha masalah betullll. This time, pening jugak tapi kurang sikit so aku gagahkan jugak kaki ni. The bears were huge. Dari jauh nampak kecik je pegi dekat dekat mak aih gendutnyeeeeeeee. Atoto atotooo XD Aku tak tau lah ape significant bears ni. But pretty pictures were painted on the bears, tu yang menariknya tu. Kena tengok satu persatu...mampoih la kan so aku pilih pilih sikit. Yang mana dari jauh nampak colourful tu, aku pegi kat situ haha choosy gila. The two girls, memang bergambar sakanlah I sukaaa tengok dorang ni. They looked like they were enjoying themselves so much, relieving stress and all. Glad, that we came here. Thanks Sheri suggest kitorang datang sini. Hilang teroih sakit kepala bahaahaha *gedik*


Then we headed to our lepak spot. Aku bukanlah pakar dalam mencari kafe kafe hipster di Pulau Pinang ni. Abundant, but they are difficult to find (dok kat ceruk ceruk lorong bagai), plus aku ni buta map. Hahhaha punggaaaa~ So tak berapa nak adventurous dalam hal ni. Mamak pun aku bedal je. So bila dengan dorang ni, dorang nak try kafe hipster kat town, aku follow aje lah. Coz... why not kan? Cuba benda yang out of my comfort zone. Sebab tu aku suppress segala rasa yang tak baik tadi tu coz I wanna enjoy myself hanging out with them girls, doing adventurous thing like this. Adventurous sangat engkooo hahaha.

We accidentally found a cafe called Black Kettle. Such a nice cafe it was. The ambiance, the decor, the food, the tables arrangements, even the toilet hellooooo they were all nice. It was such a huge and spacious cafe you boleh nak lari lari main bola dalam tu. Seriously. The smell..ahh..smells like expensive food. My own definition of heaven on earth. Hahahha.

Menu ada macam macam. Ada full meals, kek dan roti. Kitorang ambik beberapa kek dan pastries, dan satu full meal. Shara lah of course, ko gila apooo sorang ambik satu meal. Mati katak nak bayar nye nanti hahaha. Oh cakap pasal full meal tadi, ambik carbonara spaghetti with smoked duck. S.E.D.A.P engkoooo. Tak pernah rasa lagi carbonara yang sedap camni. Biasanya yang aku makan semua memuakkan. But this one, giving an odd, warm feeling, memang aku tak lupa rasa dia. Aku pun puji la kat owner kafe, kudos to your new menu, it's a success. Sep high five sikit. Hahaha nah membohong je, aku cakap sedappppp. Jeee :p

By the way, the cafe is pork-free, have wifi access, serves alcohol as well hence it has no halal certificate. But the meat, they take it from halal meat suppliers. That's what I was told by a Malay waiter there.

While eating, we had wide-range conversations. From my vacay stories to pengantin's worries to our own life updates. We too gossiped like there's no tomorrow. I think we were the loudest. Entah entah orang sebelah meja tu pun tak lalu bila dengar conversations kitorang ni. Hahahah. Awww. I miss old times where we worried of nothing. Sekarang sembang, dok risau pasal macam macam. Kesihatan lah, kerja lah, future lah, savings lah. Banyak tau benda nak fikir sampai semak otak hahah. Itu yang kitorang setuju. Tapi biasalah, semua orang lalui benda tu. Kena tabah dan cuba buat dengan hati yang ikhlas ja. Bagi aku begitu la. But I'm glad my friends here are doing well in life for the time being. Kudos to them, and kudos to me too.

Since 1998. Few of my oldest friends :)

In the end, I vomitted after sending Sheri off. Tak tahan beb. The power of suppressing went off at the right time. Good job yam! Bahaaa XD

Looking forward for the next lepaks!

Oh and good bam!

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