Week 2: Roaaaaar!


Yeaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy it's moliday (holiday+maryam=moliday)! I am so eager to report to you guys how my weekend was well-spent. Felt giddy the whole week. I did all the work in the office, called almost all previous participants of the previous program, cleaned up my desk, sanitised my phone, wipe my computer. Awww ain't I cute leh? Ha ha! All for Universal Studio Singapore ok! *tears*

USS is expensive. You may think it's a cliche as I went to such an expensive place. We actually went to Sentosa Island during the first trip, but it was under construction. So we thought it would be good to visit for the second time to experience the fun and excitement.

The weather was great. Was amazed with the blue sky, the bluest I've ever seen. I sat next to a lil chinese girl who sat separately from her parents. The first 20 minutes was totally fine, she was excited to celebrate CNY in Singapore and couldn't sit still. Then when the altitude got higher, she couldn't handle the pain in her ears. Kids, they don't understand 'bengang telinga' so I soothed her by saying "we reached Singapore edi" and so on. Then she cooled down and we landed successfully without any further chaos. Fuhh! I can be a good matha! Ha ha :P

On the way to the hotel, I came across this view, Marina Bay Sands. I regretted this one thing during this trip: not having enough time to go there. But it's ok, I'll come again haha.

We stayed in Bugis Village Hotel. The beds were good, everything was provided. But then they didn't have pili air. Major hate. Kinda hard to do business here. The same with USS and that's why I tried to hold myself from going to the loo all the time. Such a pain -..-'

Singapore is like Penang, just 50% better minus the halal eateries unavailability. And I like the city so much because they still keep the trees along the road so the city is less hotter than Penang.

Nice right?

One thing I noticed about the city is that their people really like to listen to music in the MRT. Everybody has a smartphone. Everybody keep touching their phone, not caring about anyone else's business. That is good. Coz I hate it when people stare at me when I am doing something like picking my nose. Hah kidding!

We reached USS at almost 9pm, the queue was not that long. But we gotta wait for 45 minutes before they open the main gate. Nevermind, as long as we can play all day long ha ha.

The best ride is this one! The 3D visual was surreal and there were times when water was sprayed like the robots actually spat to us. Clever haaa!

The princess-ish palace is suitable for parents with lil kids, in my opinion lah.

This vintage car caught my eyes.


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  1. amboi syoknya depa berjimba no! sorvenior xdop ka? ^___^

  2. Sobinier xbrapa beli akak. Mahai macam apa ja hahaha :p
