Our Fourth Date


Buat apetiewwww 💘

Dalam banyak banyak hari yang special, hari ni pun termasuk dalam long list tu. Sangat sangat bahagia, tak boleh nak kata bahagia camna dah. I heard so many things that made me fluttered. Kalau kumpul kumpul, eh evaporate jugak aku weii hahahha. Impossible lah this guy. He doesn't talk much but when he did, ah, I die.

After buying things at BJ, we dated briefly and watched a movie together just now after Asar, Despicable Me 3 btw. He requested, so I didn't mind at all sebab jarang jumpa kan so nak penuhi semua permintaan dia kalau boleh tu. Ni budak ni, sangat mudah terhibur seriously hahaha. He laughed so easily just like I did (I even laughed at lame jokes my friends always threw coz they were so funny). I found it so adorable and handsome. So cute, I almost fainted in the cinema sebab rasa cute sangat orang sebelah ni. Emm. Mabuk kepayang Yam ni 😂

The whole time I was with him today, hati aku berdegup kenchang. Sekenchang kudaku lari gagah beranii *bukak lagu Sudirman*  Eh entah lah bukan aku mintak nak degup kencang ni sakit jugak wei ingat ka sakit jantung ka apa. Rupanya berdebar gila hahahha. Masa dia dukung anak sedara dia yang tomey tomey tu, kacak pulak aku tengok dia ni. Paling kacak weh. Paling sado. Paling gagah. Paling daddy daddy. Eh dah kenapa mata aku ni? bisik hatiku. Hahaha poyo je kan nak buat stail novel padahal takde menda pun. Tapi tulah, everytime I see him, I see different sides of him. Amazing, just amazing.

While we were stuck in traffic jam on the way sending me home, and I was so deep in thoughts while watching cars passed us by, out of blue he whispered love you. HOW CAN YOU NOT DIE??! HOW CAN I NOT DIE??! TELL ME!

Ada sikit lagi aku nak terjun tingkap dooooooo. AHAHHAHA.

Harap selamanya rasa macam ni kat awak sayang. Lagi dialukan kalau bertambah. Eheheh. Saranghae. 

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