B for Brownies


Ughhhh. Masa taip ni pun dah meleleh ayaq lioq. Sedap uhhh brownies ni I kenotttt TT  Hari ni, aku order brownies (RM35/box) dengan Kak Kinah. I don't really know her, really. But since she is the sister of a friend, terkawan jugak hahah. Gitu gitu jelah idok close friend pun. Since friend with her at FB and IG, aku rasa ada beratuih kali jugak tengok dia post kek/brownies/cookies yang Makyam, mak dia buat. Eh eh?? Nama sama pulak? Hahaha. Btw I know she has a pair of golden hands, hence the brownies here in MY hand. Her durian crepe, is the best of the best I've ever tasted. And also the first, not to forget.

Dah lama lama tu, aku curious. Sebab dari gambar, semua pun nampak sedap. Nak rasa la jugak kan. Coz some people, their posts can be misleading. Tak sedap pun sebenarnya, aesthetic je nampak sedap. So to feed my curiosity (and my tummy yummy yummy), I requested Kak Kinah to COD a box of brownies to my workplace today. Business nowadays can be very convenient to us customers, COD terus ja takyah bank-in bagai. Pay cash is a whole lot easier.

You must be thinking, why on earth do I order brownies out of blue? Tak boleh buat sendiri ka? Hahaha. Boleh tu boleh. Pernah buat. But it doesn't taste as good as the one made by an expert. I amatur jeww so rasa brownies aku hari tu pun rasa amatur. Gituhh. Andddd tiba tiba tekak teringin nak makan. Ngidam katenyerrr.

Dapat je kotak brownies ni, terus aku rembat satu. Hahaha. Gelojoh baq ang tapi tak tahan lah tengok brownies tu menggoda memanggil "Yam, come to me baby. Come and eat me". Bahahahaha very delusional :P Tapi serius lah, memang sedap yang amat brownies Makyam ni. Chewy, chocolatey, full of texture and taste. Then aku bagi colleagues rasa brownies Makyam. You should've seen their faces. All delighted. Ke aku perasan sensorang hahah but I know that face means ummph shedappp. Yassss!

Heaven on earth

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