Jump Away!


I had a very good morning today and was drenched in my own sweat. That felt good to my skin somehow, it was like pores were all opened to secrete some unwanted dirt off my face. And built some stamina too.

I kinda collapsed when I get back home. Hahaha. Talkin' bout stamina huh.

Today Intan and I decided to spent our morning together jumping off our daily life pressure at Jumpstreet. If you want a cheaper rate, purchase the ticket online: RM25 per person including socks. Intan took care of everything (lucky meeee) so I just started the car, and played. Haha.

We took the 11am session (allowed to play for an hour only). Coincidentally, we both had breakfast before coming so I totally suggest those who wants to play to eat something light first because you will get soooo hungry by the end of the session. This jumping thing is no joke ok. Everyone's face were flushed and sweaty so I was convinced that Jumpstreet can be categorized into extreme sports. Bahaaa :P

I have a fear of depth (more than I fear of height) where I couldn't get myself to jump into their box pit which was kinda deep. The rest of the kids coolly jumped with some 360 degrees rotation, and I was like whoaaaaaaaa. Berani betul. Intan even tried thrice while I waited for her, felt like a loser haha. So when there was no one using the section, I jumped into the pit and congratulated myself for being brave, and for successfully making new friends (two middle schoolers) after so long of not having new friends. Hahahaha.

Well. Still a perfect Sunday for me :)

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