Something new happened today. Thought I should write down here. This afternoon I went for an interview at Dell, 2 days after applying for the job via Jobstreet. Yes, Dell yang ada produk komputer tuu. I was shocked okay, cepat gila proses. Rupanya kebetulan time aku apply tu, dorang ada buat walk-in interview dalam minggu yang sama. I consider myself lucky there, Alhamdulillah.
At 11am, I arrived at the FTZ area and searched for parking which wasn’t abundant. Actually...THEY GOT NONE. Haaaa bapak jauh aku park okay dekat kilang lain pulak tu, jalan macam sebatu nak menyampai ke Dell tu. Bopoluh poluh ketiak den. Dalam hati aku bebel sensorang eh dah la nak pegi interview boleh pulak nak berpeluh masam gini. Takde la masam hahaha aku pakai perfume agak kuat la sebab baju bau detergent sungguh. Geheheh.
Lepas daftar kat guardhouse, aku masuk dengan confidence level menjunam ke 60%. Macam memula tadi 100% kan hahaha..padahallllllll 70 jeeee :P Dalam emel, dorang kata interview tu kat kafeteria, I was like wow the cafeteria is damn huge you can play football in here. So belakang kafe tu venue dia sebenarnya, nasib baik ada kakak cleaner baik hati yang tolong tunjukkan sebab dia tengok aku terpinga pinga cari idea kat mana la venue interview ni (memula tadi aku takleh imagine IV kat kafe hahahha). Aku daftar nama, isi borang dan sebagainya then duduk dendiam dalam 5 minit camtu sebelum dipanggil. I see. So this is how walk-in interview looks like. Agak senang dan tak ramai orang dalam satu satu masa.
Sorang staff panggil aku dan suruh ikut satu chinese lady ni. She looked so good, bergaya gila pakai faded blue jeans je gi keja hahah. Aku ikut dengan confidence level menjunam ke 30% sebab aku ni memang jenis darah gemuruh sikit huhu. Berpeluh walaupun sejuk cisssss. Then kitorang masuk ke satu bilik, ready untuk interview.
This is it. This. Is. It.
This is the part where I feel like I've done a favour to myself: to ruin the interview. Ko bayangkan eh, ni first time aku walk-in, pastu first time iv untuk post Sales semata mata. Sebelum ni aku biasa iv untuk payroll ke, HR ke, dan memacam lagi tapi bukan khusus untuk sales. So please imagine what kind of questions she asked me?? All about my ability to work in sales department. Macam aku biasa jual berapa produk sebulan kat company sekarang, apa target bulanan, komisen dan lain-lain. Satu soalan yang memang kasi aku terkejut gila is, dia tanya since takde komisen, macam mana aku motivate diri untuk stay buat sales. I was like dayumm. That is so unthinkable. Coz my whole life here in this company, I stayed motivated because of the customers and because it's easy peasy job. Takyah nak kejar dateline, kejar quota, takde semua benda tu. But I cannot tell her that, can I? So I created my masterpiece reason: because I feel good for helping customers in solving their problems/needs. Lame o, I know.
Ada lagi dia tanya average aku jual barang kitorang ni berapa dalam 6 bulan. I was so dumb, I wanted to tembak on the figures but so late in thinking, then figures jadi salah hahaah. She even corrected me. I almost wanted to dig up some tanah and buried my head on the spot.WARGGGHHHHH!!
Dah habis iv tu, aku melangkah dengan kaki yang longlai ni sebab sakit gila kaki ni melecet. Dan upset la of course. I could do better but because I was so nervous, I was so not ready, I think I’ve failed for today. Tapi happy sebab dapat jejak kaki kat Dell. I tell you, the environment is almost like Google, like a happy place to work at. Plus, I think I need to rethink about my career direction. Ape sebenarnya yang aku nak buat, what can I do, have I achieved what a 26 y/o should achieve, and so on. Glad that I came for the interview, such an eye-opener.
So now back to job-hunting yeahh.
Lepas daftar kat guardhouse, aku masuk dengan confidence level menjunam ke 60%. Macam memula tadi 100% kan hahaha..padahallllllll 70 jeeee :P Dalam emel, dorang kata interview tu kat kafeteria, I was like wow the cafeteria is damn huge you can play football in here. So belakang kafe tu venue dia sebenarnya, nasib baik ada kakak cleaner baik hati yang tolong tunjukkan sebab dia tengok aku terpinga pinga cari idea kat mana la venue interview ni (memula tadi aku takleh imagine IV kat kafe hahahha). Aku daftar nama, isi borang dan sebagainya then duduk dendiam dalam 5 minit camtu sebelum dipanggil. I see. So this is how walk-in interview looks like. Agak senang dan tak ramai orang dalam satu satu masa.
Sorang staff panggil aku dan suruh ikut satu chinese lady ni. She looked so good, bergaya gila pakai faded blue jeans je gi keja hahah. Aku ikut dengan confidence level menjunam ke 30% sebab aku ni memang jenis darah gemuruh sikit huhu. Berpeluh walaupun sejuk cisssss. Then kitorang masuk ke satu bilik, ready untuk interview.
This is it. This. Is. It.
This is the part where I feel like I've done a favour to myself: to ruin the interview. Ko bayangkan eh, ni first time aku walk-in, pastu first time iv untuk post Sales semata mata. Sebelum ni aku biasa iv untuk payroll ke, HR ke, dan memacam lagi tapi bukan khusus untuk sales. So please imagine what kind of questions she asked me?? All about my ability to work in sales department. Macam aku biasa jual berapa produk sebulan kat company sekarang, apa target bulanan, komisen dan lain-lain. Satu soalan yang memang kasi aku terkejut gila is, dia tanya since takde komisen, macam mana aku motivate diri untuk stay buat sales. I was like dayumm. That is so unthinkable. Coz my whole life here in this company, I stayed motivated because of the customers and because it's easy peasy job. Takyah nak kejar dateline, kejar quota, takde semua benda tu. But I cannot tell her that, can I? So I created my masterpiece reason: because I feel good for helping customers in solving their problems/needs. Lame o, I know.
Ada lagi dia tanya average aku jual barang kitorang ni berapa dalam 6 bulan. I was so dumb, I wanted to tembak on the figures but so late in thinking, then figures jadi salah hahaah. She even corrected me. I almost wanted to dig up some tanah and buried my head on the spot.WARGGGHHHHH!!
Dah habis iv tu, aku melangkah dengan kaki yang longlai ni sebab sakit gila kaki ni melecet. Dan upset la of course. I could do better but because I was so nervous, I was so not ready, I think I’ve failed for today. Tapi happy sebab dapat jejak kaki kat Dell. I tell you, the environment is almost like Google, like a happy place to work at. Plus, I think I need to rethink about my career direction. Ape sebenarnya yang aku nak buat, what can I do, have I achieved what a 26 y/o should achieve, and so on. Glad that I came for the interview, such an eye-opener.
So now back to job-hunting yeahh.
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